About the Mobile Chamber
The Mobile Chamber is a private business organization with more than 1,700 members and the economic developer for the City of Mobile and Mobile County. The Mobile Chamber’s focus is to provide members with networking, marketing and professional development opportunities, expand jobs in the area, develop the local workforce, advocate legislative priorities and offer resources to help small businesses grow. Additional information is on the Chamber’s website, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter and YouTube.
Mobile Chamber Launches Mobile First
Mobile Chamber Launches Mobile First
Mobile Chamber Launches Mobile First, an Initiative to Prioritize Local Businesses

The Mobile Chamber is rolling out an initiative to keep Mobile area dollars in the local economy by launching Mobile First, a formalized pledge that companies will prioritize local businesses in bid projects.
Click here to Read the Full Initiative
The initiative has been discussed by local business leaders for several years and was developed by a 16-member committee supported by Team Mobile, including Mayor Sandy Stimpson, the Mobile City Council, Mobile County Commission, the Mobile Chamber and business leaders. Preston Bolt of Hand Arendall Harrison Sale LLC led the team to help develop a plan everyone could support. The covenant can be found on the Mobile Chamber’s website.
“While Mobile First is a good-faith pledge and not legally binding, over time the expectation is that this effort will influence the culture of doing business in Mobile, where local businesses, including historically disadvantaged businesses, are given greater consideration,” said Preston Bolt.
“This effort will aid in retaining economic benefits in the region that will enable the continuous improvement of the quality of life in the Mobile Area,” said Mobile Chamber Board Chairman Matt White.
Companies will be asked to make a good faith effort to hit specific goals when making decisions regarding construction contracts, capital investments, service contracts and hiring needs. These guidelines will be given to be used when requesting bids for both public and private projects.
The goal of Mobile First is to support the development, expansion and retention of local businesses in the Mobile area, helping them grow and create more jobs.
“This initiative will enhance our economic development efforts for Mobile, while increasing the impact for local vendors and workers in our area. We are proud to partner with the community leaders involved to support this effort,” said Mobile Chamber President and CEO Bradley Byrne.
“More dollars spent in our community means more dollars stay in our community, and this initiative will greatly compound the economic development investments of Team Mobile,” Mayor Sandy Stimpson said. “As industries locate to and expand in our region, the Mobile First pledge will help ensure local businesses can share in that growth and successes.”
“The Mobile County Commission is very supportive of all efforts to hire local area businesses whenever possible. The Mobile First initiative provides a framework that strongly encourages employment practices that strengthen our local economy and improve our overall quality of life,” said Mobile County Commission President Connie Hudson.