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More To Mobile

Whether you’ve just arrived in Mobile or are contemplating a move, we know you will love it here.

oak trees on quaint neighborhood street

Real Estate

Mobile is a great place to live, and it’s also a great place to buy a house.

mobile skyline from mardi gras park

Licenses & Tags

If you’re looking for resources to apply for a business license, marriage license, or even car tags in the city of Mobile, these are your resources.

mobile skyline

Utilities & Media

Resources for local utility and media companies available in the Mobile area.

mobile alabama mural

Important Numbers

Important numbers to know in the Mobile area.

mobile infirmary


Healthcare companies are more than just healthy here. They’re thriving, thanks to strides Mobile is making in medical care, research, and education

university of south alabama entrance


Mobile’s growing business community counts on a strong, talented, and dedicated workforce.