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Rev. Wesley A. James Minority Business Advocate of the Year

A dedicated community leader, Rev. Wesley A. James committed himself to ensure that minority-owned businesses have equal access to contracting and procurement opportunities. Many of the local accomplishments in supplier diversity can be directly attributed to Rev. James.

The Minority Business Advocate Award (MBA) honors Rev. James’ legacy and recognizes a company or organization that demonstrates supplier diversity and inclusion efforts and extends support to increase opportunities for the minority-owned business community.


  • Must be a Mobile Chamber member in good standing*
  • Have evidence of strong commitment to diversity and inclusion and expanding opportunities for minority-owned businesses
  • Have three complete years of operation
  • Have an office in Mobile, Baldwin or Washington Counties
  • *Resource partner organizations are eligible.


Interested companies must complete the application and provide two letters of reference from a minority-owned business supplier, community leader. Applicants must also submit a reference letter from any of the following business associates: a company attorney; CPA or banker; and a vendor or customer. All information will be kept strictly confidential and will be used only by the selection committee.

As a part of the selection process, finalists may be asked to interview with the committee. The winner will be selected based on information provided in the application, reference letters and interview results.

"*" indicates required fields

Owner - Key Executive*
Is your organization currently a member of the Mobile Chamber?*

For all information requested below, use the space provided in this fillable form.

How does your company advocate or support Minority Business Enterprises (MBEs)?
Answer the applicable questions below.

Financial goals are an important/quantifiable indicator of success for the judging panel, and all financial information is confidential. These figures should include loans or contracts to local minority-owned businesses.

Access to Capital

Commitment to Supplier Diversity and Procurement Goals

Business Support Services

Mentor/Protégé Program

Authorization and Consent

If this organization is selected as the Minority Business Advocate of the Year award winner, I hereby authorize the use of my name, my organization’s name, non financial information, photographs, video recordings and audio recordings of me from any source, in connection with the Mobile Chamber’s Minority Business Advocate of the Year award program. I agree that no compensation shall be due me or my company for any such usage.

Truth of Information Release
By signing below, I agree that, to the best of my knowledge, the information provided herein is true and complete.
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Clear Signature

Mobile Area Chamber of Commerce, Attn.: Small Business Development Department, 451 Government St., Mobile, AL 36602 [email protected]
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