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Licenses & Tags

If you’re looking for resources to apply for a business license, marriage license, or even car tags in the city of Mobile, here are your resources.

City of Mobile Revenue Department

205 Government St.


City business licenses may be obtained from the license division of the revenue department of the city of Mobile. Rates, based upon a percentage of gross revenues, are published online. Before obtaining a license, zoning for the property of the contemplated business must be cleared with the city of Mobile zoning officer. Other municipalities in Mobile County also require the purchase of a business license.


 Mobile County License Commission

3925 Michael Blvd.

205 Government St.


State and county business licenses are required in addition to any business licenses of a municipality. State and county business licenses are valid for one fiscal year, Oct. 1 through Sept. 30. Business licenses must be renewed in October to avoid penalties and interest charges. Applications for a business license are available online. Licenses may be purchased by mail or at the Michael Square office or the Downtown Office. Requirements and fees vary based on the license code.

Mobile County Probate Court

205 Government St., Mobile


The minimum age to receive a marriage license is 18. Minors must be accompanied by both parents or legal guardians. There is no waiting period.