About the Mobile Chamber
The Mobile Chamber is a private business organization with more than 1,700 members and the economic developer for the City of Mobile and Mobile County. The Mobile Chamber’s focus is to provide members with networking, marketing and professional development opportunities, expand jobs in the area, develop the local workforce, advocate legislative priorities and offer resources to help small businesses grow. Additional information is on the Chamber’s website, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter and YouTube.
Gia Wiggins Executive Profile
Gia Wiggins
Hometown: Mobile, AL
Education: B.A. Psychology Grambling State University/Grambling, LA; MBA California State University/ Monterey Bay, CA; Ph.D Management University of South Alabama/Mobile, AL
First job: Recruiter for Aerotek in Houston, TX. I hired for companies like Chevron, Shell, Valic, and Valero
Who/what inspires you: I am inspired by people dream big then make the dreams happen. There is something satisfying by watching people take a chance then do the hard work to be successful. I believe the definition of luck as the intersection of preparation and opportunity.
Professional accomplishments: I’ve had a fantastic HR Management career that has spanned 25 years. I’ve been featured in national media (Entrepreneur, Forbes, and Inc.)
Hidden talent: I played the violin as a child and I can recall/sing any show jingle from the 70’s – 90’s
What word would you use to describe yourself? Fastidious
Secret to success: The secret to success is finding a gap in the market then working hard to be a strong provider of a need that people didn’t realize they were missing.
What is one of your long-term professional goal? Law school – I am a student at heart who loves to learn new things.
Aside from necessities, what one thing you could not go a day without? I read two chapters of my bible and have one cup of coffee EVERYDAY. It is a staple of my day.
What slang or trend makes you feel old? The trend of videoing everything makes me feel old. I’d prefer to live in the moment.
What is your passion? I keep companies out of trouble. I really would do it for free- but I don’t!
Your first car was: 1993 Nissan Sentra. I swooned!
The last book you read: Venture Deals by Brad Feld
What were you doing in your 20s? Just started working in HR. “I loved it so much. I was responsible for giving people the jobs they prayed for”.
Outside of work, what do you do to relax? Travel and laying on a deserted beach is my favorite thing. Binge watching tv with my hubby and kids is how I unwind during the week.
What talent would you most like to have? I’ve always wanted to sing like Whitney Houston
What do you consider your greatest achievement? (other than family) Building two nationally recognized companies. It’s hard work, but so worth it.
What are two of your favorite names? The names of my kids – have to choose three – Trey, Kenley, and Mallorie. The sound of them make me calm.
What quality you most like in people? Honesty and kindness
What is your greatest extravagance? Paying for college for my kids. The gift of them having a debt free education is my definition of meaningful extravagance.
What is your most marked characteristic? I hope others say that it is sincerity.
Best Place to get away from it all: St. John Virgin Islands is my favorite place
Best thing about your job: I help people make a positive impact with their employees EVERYDAY
Modern Day Hero Software Founders! The speed of innovation regarding business tools is astounding. I believe we take for granted how tools that make synergies on teams a reality help businesses operate more efficiently and successfully. I love new technology that solves problems.
Top Bucket List Trip: The Seychelles Islands off Eastern Africa
Brief company description: Morale Resource/Auditocity provide human resources compliance and best practices auditing and remediation services through their platform Auditocity and consulting through Morale Resource across the US. Their goal is to uncomplicate the regulatory requirements of the Department of Labor and adjacent agencies. HR doesn’t have to be hard.