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About the Mobile Chamber

The Mobile Chamber is a private business organization with more than 1,700 members and the economic developer for the City of Mobile and Mobile County. The Mobile Chamber’s focus is to provide members with networking, marketing and professional development opportunities, expand jobs in the area, develop the local workforce, advocate legislative priorities and offer resources to help small businesses grow. Additional information is on the Chamber’s website, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter and YouTube.

Matthew Gee Executive Profile

Mobile Chamber Executive Profile - graphic featuring Matthew Gee's headshot

Matthew Gee
Alabama Orthopaedic Clinic

Alabama Orthopaedic Clinic CEO Matthew Gee


Hometown:  Harlingen, Tx

Education:  Bachelor’s degree in general studies from Northwestern State University Natchitoches, La.  Master of Business Admin and Healthcare Admin from Liberty University Lynchburg, Va.

 First job:  TCBY serving ice cream and frozen yogurt.

 Previous experience:  Associate director of the Musculoskeletal Service Line in Wake Forest University Health System. Practice administrator for Cornerstone Health Care in Highpoint, N.C.

 Who/what inspires you: My Physicians and team at Alabama Orthopaedic Clinic who work tirelessly to create a positive experience for everyone that walks through our doors.

 Professional accomplishments: Board of Directors with Victory Health Partners & Board of advisors for the Mobile Chamber of Commerce.

 Hidden talent: Classically trained singer.

 What word would you use to describe yourself? Dedicated

 Secret to success: Remaining faithful to God’s promises and showing love to all of those around me.

Favorite food/restaurant: Noja downtown Mobile, Al.

 Do you believe in luck or destiny? Destiny that is driven by God’s plan for my future.

 What is one of your long-term professional goals? To establish a professional culture of kindness within our community.

 What is your passion? I am extremely passionate about showing compassion to those around me.  If I can help, I want to.

 The last book you read: Falling Forward by John Maxwell.

 What talent would you most like to have? Playing the piano

 What are two of your favorite names? Peyton and Carter

 What quality do you most like in people? Authenticity

 Who is your favorite hero of fiction? Superman

 What is your most marked characteristic? My height

 Best thing about your job: Working with great people every day.

 Modern Day Hero: My Wife

 Brief company description: AOC is a full-service orthopedic practice from surgery to therapy with 18 specialists. AOC’s surgeons have more than 50 years of experience and have been recognized as some of the most trusted in our region.