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About the Mobile Chamber

The Mobile Chamber is a private business organization with more than 1,700 members and the economic developer for the City of Mobile and Mobile County. The Mobile Chamber’s focus is to provide members with networking, marketing and professional development opportunities, expand jobs in the area, develop the local workforce, advocate legislative priorities and offer resources to help small businesses grow. Additional information is on the Chamber’s website, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter and YouTube.

Karen Hong Executive Profile

Executive Profile


Karen Hong
Continental Aerospace Technologies

Continental Aerospace Technologies CEO Karen Hong

Hometown:  Canton, but I consider Mobile as my hometown now

Education:  Master of Economics, University of Detroit Mercy and MBA, University of Michigan

First job: As a 13-year-old, the local newspaper published my article, and I received my first paycheck for a total of $13.00.

Previous experience: Hong’s career included a cost analyst and global platform controller at Chrysler, a global controller with Milacron Holdings Corp and global CFO & VP at Continental just to name a few. She most previously served as global CFO & EVP for Joyson Safety System Holding Company prior to becoming Global CEO/President for Continental.

Who/what inspires you: My parents

Professional accomplishments: Looking back at my career, I am proud to of initiated and led a business turnaround that transformed and improved the companies’ profitability, cash, and overall business performance.

Hidden talent: Floral design/flower arrangement

What word would you use to describe yourself? Humble

Secret to success: Personal: “Can Do” Attitude in a humble way. Company: “Right People, Right Seat” and T.E.A.M (Transparency, Efficiency, Accountability, and Moral) culture

Favorite food/restaurant: Seafood at our local restaurants

Do you believe in luck or destiny?  Luck is a really interesting aspect.  I believe I am a lucky person since I have many great people around me, and a lot of good things happen to me because I am an optimist who counts on what I have.

A lot of situations are destined, and I can use my knowledge and experience to choose how to respond to situations.

I chose luck, not the luck that chose me. Since all my responses are not destiny.  Luck is an incident, what I choose is my choice, and when I choose it that decides my future destiny.

What is one of your long-term professional goal? Pivot my career and build a solid foundation step by step so that I can be a valuable asset no matter where I work and what role I engage.

What is one of the most useful things you own? Self-discipline

What is your favorite season of the year and why? I like all 4 seasons.  If I must pick one, then it would be Winter because we have more holidays, and cold weather brings people together, we yearn for warmth, love, and connection.  It is also a good time to review the year and plan for the next year.

Aside from necessities, what one thing you could not go a day without? Cellphone

 What is your passion? Growing Continental and bringing more benefits to team members

What could you talk about all day long? (other than your kids and family) Improvement

The last book you read:“Give and Take” by Dr. Chester Karrass

Your greatest indulgence: Shopping

What talent would you most like to have? Dancing

What are two of your favorite names? Brian and Tiffany (my two children’s names)

What quality you most like in people? Be responsible

Best thing about your job: Results

Modern-Day Hero: Gymnast Larisa Semyonovna Latynina (18 Olympic medals winner)

Brief company description: Continental Aerospace Technologies Holding Limited, better known as Continental, is a vertically integrated manufacturer of piston aircraft engines with more than 115 years of continuous operation. Based in Mobile, Continental engages in the design, development, and production of general aviation aircraft piston engines and spare parts in the United States, Europe, and internationally and is recognized as a world leader in the development of aviation products.