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About the Mobile Chamber

The Mobile Chamber is a private business organization with more than 1,700 members and the economic developer for the City of Mobile and Mobile County. The Mobile Chamber’s focus is to provide members with networking, marketing and professional development opportunities, expand jobs in the area, develop the local workforce, advocate legislative priorities and offer resources to help small businesses grow. Additional information is on the Chamber’s website, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter and YouTube.

Pro356 Consulting Helps Clients Make Lasting Change

The Business View – August 2020 /Small Business of the Month






Rick Miller’s Pro356 works with entrepreneurs across the region. Pictured here from left to right are clients, Alodia Arnold, Fairhope Life Magazine; Dale Speetjens, Shipshape Urban Farms; Miller; David Andersen, Bizooza; and Jeff Parker, Shipshape Urban Farms. Photo by JJPR


After nearly 30 years of experience in numerous markets from New York City to San Francisco, Rick Miller, CEO/owner of Pro356 Consulting, decided it was time to return to his roots in Mobile. “You don’t really appreciate the quality of life that you have in lower Alabama until you go and see the rest of the world,” he says.


Pro356 Consulting is the Mobile Area Chamber’s Small Business of the Month.


When Miller developed Pro356, he wanted to bring his financial knowledge and experience to small businesses by offering a people-oriented solution with a focus on balance and observant leadership rather than speed. Through Pro356, he provides individual and team coaching to introduce positive behavioral change that lasts, and provides financial results.


With nearly 10 years of involvement with the Chamber, Miller facilitates Emerging Leaders, the SBA-sponsored small business growth program hosted by the Chamber. Through Emerging Leaders, Miller works with 20-plus companies over a seven-month period to help them develop a three-year growth plan. “The Mobile Chamber is the gold standard of what it takes to serve the business community,” Miller says.


He also runs the Hatch Entrepreneurial Development Center in Fairhope, a tech-focused incubator – a smaller version of Innovation Portal, which develops plans and scenarios to find investors. And he is looking to open a second operation in Atlanta for Pro356 Consulting.


“You don’t really appreciate the quality of life you have in lower Alabama until you go and see the rest of the world.”


Giving back to his community is a big part of Miller’s life. He teaches Sunday school at Fairhope United Methodist Church and is actively involved with Men’s Outback. Miller is a Tiny Habits Certified Coach who is dedicated to helping his clients and community make lasting change.


He also runs a Facebook page called Fellowshi

p of Gratitude, an effort to share small moments of gratitude. “The true success in life is keeping your work, family and your recreation in balance,” he says.


“The true success in life is keeping your work, family and your recreation in balance.”


COMPANY NAME: Pro356 Consulting

OWNERS: Rick Miller

PHONE: 251.472.5629



Want to be featured here? Go to to submit an application, or contact Danette Richards at 251-431-8652.


Click here to read the Business View – August 2020

To read about previous Small Business of the Month stories, click here.

Additional information is on the Mobile Area Chamber of Commerce’s website at, on Facebook at @MobileChamber and Twitter at @MobileChamber.