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About the Mobile Chamber

The Mobile Chamber is a private business organization with more than 1,700 members and the economic developer for the City of Mobile and Mobile County. The Mobile Chamber’s focus is to provide members with networking, marketing and professional development opportunities, expand jobs in the area, develop the local workforce, advocate legislative priorities and offer resources to help small businesses grow. Additional information is on the Chamber’s website, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter and YouTube.

Putting Your Membership to Work

The Business View – August 2019 / Publisher’s Note

By Bill Sisson, President & CEO, Mobile Area Chamber of Commerce


For many businesses, the thought of adding more to their already hectic schedules makes participating in the Chamber seem like a daunting task. But investing time enables members to take full advantage of the many benefits of membership – and keeps them on top of important, ever-changing issues and trends within the local marketplace. If that in itself were not enough, research shows that consumers are more likely to do business with a company that is an active member of their local chamber of commerce.


In any typical year, our Chamber offers more than 100 events, not including the myriad opportunities to serve on committees, councils and task forces. Getting more involved and investing time will pay off in many ways. Business is about relationships, and the ages-old adage could not be truer – “out of sight, out of mind.” Nothing sells your business better than being in front of people face to face. Clients are more likely to buy from you when they know you’re the brains behind the product or service offered by your company. When they see you regularly participating in Chamber functions, it builds confidence in the business you represent and can keep you top of mind when they or someone they know is looking for your product or service.


Sometimes we hear from companies that their business is primarily outside the region, so they don’t need to be involved in the Chamber. The flaw in that is forgetting they and their employees are very much a part of the community and are beneficiaries of a strong local economy. This work is at the core of the Chamber’s mission.


Everyone benefits from a vibrant and growing community, and getting involved in Chamber work is an easy way to ensure the sort of quality of life we all benefit from.


Without question, Chamber membership provides many benefits that don’t require active participation. Our Chamber staff is working every day to ensure the business climate remains healthy and good for growing business. But that membership becomes an even greater value through attending events, talking to other business leaders you may have never met before, and serving on a committee, council or task force focused on a mission you’re most interested in. Doing so will help ensure that you and your company reap the maximum benefits of your membership.



Click here to read The Business View – August 2019


Additional information is on the Mobile Area Chamber of Commerce’s website at www.mobilechamber.com, on Facebook at @MobileChamber and Twitter at @MobileChamber.