About the Mobile Chamber
The Mobile Chamber is a private business organization with more than 1,700 members and the economic developer for the City of Mobile and Mobile County. The Mobile Chamber’s focus is to provide members with networking, marketing and professional development opportunities, expand jobs in the area, develop the local workforce, advocate legislative priorities and offer resources to help small businesses grow. Additional information is on the Chamber’s website, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter and YouTube.
How to Create Captivating Content…
The Business View – March 2019 / Small Business Corner
What does your website say? Does it engage your audience? Do they want to stay and browse or learn more about your company? If not, your website, and most likely your social media posts, are content poor. Providing relevant, engaging content attracts both customers and prospects, enticing them to read on and learn more about your business. When they find value in what you have to say, your message will spread beyond your own channels. This third party endorsement carries much more credibility than a marketing message from you.
Tell your story.
Great content is much more than a list of your company’s functions, products and services. It should tell your story. Put yourself in the audience’s shoes. What do they care about? It’s about them and how your company serves their needs. Look at the pages or posts that get the most attention. By looking at what your audience is responding to, you‘ll understand what type of content they find valuable.
Complement your content with video or photos.
Visual content is critical and should continue to tell the story. Constructing a script (content) doesn’t have to be overwhelming. It can be short, and the message should be consistent with your other marketing mediums. What does your website say? Does it engage your audience? Do they want to stay and browse or learn more about your company? If not, your website, and most likely your social media posts, are content poor. Providing relevant, engaging content attracts both customers and prospects, enticing them to read on and learn more about your business. When they find value in what you have to say, your message will spread beyond your own channels. This third party endorsement carries much more credibility than a marketing message from you.
Have a content strategy.
Develop a schedule to update and refresh the content regularly. People will return if they are going to see or learn something new. One week, you might share an educational nugget, the next provide fun facts about your industry or a silly story about your company, or post a profile on one of your employees or customers, complete with photos or video, or share an interesting article.
Measure success.
Analytics will tell you how many followers, users or email openers you have, but the numbers don’t provide the whole picture. It’s more important to monitor engagement – how often the users are interacting with you.
Content is key.
Content connects your business to customers; it helps build your brand identity; and creates community, validates your company and keeps your customers and prospects coming back.
On Thursday, March 28, at the Mobile Area Chamber’s March Marketing Madness, you will get advice for selecting and using the right tools to tell your story from brand consistency to digital media to video. See page 31 for details.
Click here to read The Business View – March 2019
Additional information is on the Mobile Area Chamber of Commerce’s website at www.mobilechamber.com, on Facebook at @MobileChamber and Twitter at @MobileChamber.