About the Mobile Chamber
The Mobile Chamber is a private business organization with more than 1,700 members and the economic developer for the City of Mobile and Mobile County. The Mobile Chamber’s focus is to provide members with networking, marketing and professional development opportunities, expand jobs in the area, develop the local workforce, advocate legislative priorities and offer resources to help small businesses grow. Additional information is on the Chamber’s website, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter and YouTube.
Calling Aspiring Entrepreneurs
The Business View – March 2019 / News You Can Use
The hardest part of starting a business is taking the first step. Most businesses start small, and research shows that entrepreneurial training and mentoring is critical for new and emerging companies to succeed. Startup Weekend Mobile, set for March 29 to 31, can help you get your new business off the ground.
What is it?
Startup Weekends are about learning by doing. Beginning Friday, March 29, aspiring entrepreneurs and others with a passion for startup success will spend the weekend building businesses from concept to completion during Mobile’s fourth installment of this program.
What happens during the weekend?
The weekend kicks off with concept pitching and building teams of individuals with various skills and expertise. During the remainder of the competition, teams research, plan and strategize to build the beginning of a fully operational company.
Who should attend?
Entrepreneurs and potential entrepreneurs, business startup enthusiasts, web and software developers, designers, engineers, marketing gurus, business development specialists and anyone interested in building a business will benefit from this event.
Why participate?
It’s the ideal environment to build scalable companies that solve real-world problems. You will take an idea, work with entrepreneurs and experts, create a viable concept, develop a plan, create a prototype and pitch it to a panel of judges for feedback to eventually launch the business. By Sunday evening, new businesses will be born.
Fast Facts
What: Startup Weekend Mobile is a collaboration of the Mobile Area Chamber, Innovation PortAL and community volunteers.
When: Friday, March 29 – 5 to 10 p.m.
Saturday, March 30 – 8 a.m. to 10 p.m.
Sunday, March 31 – 8 a.m. to 7 p.m.
Where: The Steeple on St. Francis, 251 St. Francis St.
Cost: $75
Contact: Corey James at 251-333-0963 or Danette Richards at 251-431-8652 or mobile@startupweekend.org
Click here to read The Business View – March 2019
Additional information is on the Mobile Area Chamber of Commerce’s website at www.mobilechamber.com, on Facebook at @MobileChamber and Twitter at @MobileChamber.