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About the Mobile Chamber

The Mobile Chamber is a private business organization with more than 1,700 members and the economic developer for the City of Mobile and Mobile County. The Mobile Chamber’s focus is to provide members with networking, marketing and professional development opportunities, expand jobs in the area, develop the local workforce, advocate legislative priorities and offer resources to help small businesses grow. Additional information is on the Chamber’s website, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter and YouTube.

Kimberly-Clark Named 2018 Manufacturer of the Year

The Business View – December 2018/January 2019 / Award Winners


Kimberly-Clark Mobile members are pictured from left to right (back row) Dave Leonard, Eric Postle, Dale Kelly, Maurice Jackson, Todd Visscher, Matt Gerdeman, Lorence Johnson, Bruce McPherson and John Single (front row) Rachelle Nielsen, Fulton Garces, April Calhoun, Natalia Feijo Chuairi, Renee Bradford, Elton Davidson, Brenda Nader, Kim Samry, Cynthia Marshall, Geary Francis and Andy Carr.


Efficiency and capacity. Those are the two primary goals of Kimberly-Clark’s recent investments in its Mobile mill. The company announced backto- back investments in 2017 and 2018 for a combined total of $211.7 million. In addition, the company plans to add two dozen-plus high-paying jobs locally.


Kimberly-Clark was named the Mobile Area Chamber’s 2018 Manufacturer of the Year.


“This investment, the commitment of our employees, and the community support will together bolster Mobile’s Mill’s competitive position within Kimberly-Clark,” said Todd Visscher, mill manager for Kimberly-Clark’s Mobile operations, in an earlier article in The Business View.


When the investment projects are complete, Kimberly-Clark’s Mobile facility will have its own on-site heat and power plant, replace a tissue machine, add a converting line and expand its recycled fiber facility.


Based in Texas, Kimberly-Clark’s made-in-Mobile products include bath tissue and paper towels under the Scott, Cottonelle and K-C Professional brand names.


Kimberly-Clark first established a Mobile presence 23 years ago, in 1995, and currently employs more than 600 employees.

Pictured above: Dave Leonard (VP USW 1575), Dale Kelly (VP USW 1421), Maurice Jackson (President USW 1575), Todd Visscher (Plant Manager), Elton Davidson (President USW 1421), Bruce McPherson (President IBEW 2129), Geary Francis (VP IBEW 2129)


Click here to read The Business View – December 2018/January 2019

Additional information is on the Mobile Area Chamber of Commerce’s website at, on Facebook at @MobileChamber and Twitter at @MobileChamber.