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About the Mobile Chamber

The Mobile Chamber is a private business organization with more than 1,700 members and the economic developer for the City of Mobile and Mobile County. The Mobile Chamber’s focus is to provide members with networking, marketing and professional development opportunities, expand jobs in the area, develop the local workforce, advocate legislative priorities and offer resources to help small businesses grow. Additional information is on the Chamber’s website, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter and YouTube.

Legal Imaging LLC: Mission Accomplished for Lawyers

The Business View – August 2018 / Small Business of the Month


In the military, soldiers, airmen and sailors are taught to accomplish the mission and take care of their brother and sister servicemen and women in the process.


A 32-year veteran with multiple deployments, John Kilpatrick has the same goals with his business, Legal Imaging LLC, a full-service litigation support company providing turn-key, cost effective solutions for attorneys.


“As a 100 percent veteran owned business, everything we do is impacted by our military service,” Kilpatrick said. “As military officers, we’ve been trained to ensure mission accomplishment while caring for those who serve with us. We take the same approach with our business. We always get the job done but we ensure our employees, clients and partners are well cared for along the way.”


Legal Imaging is the Mobile Area Chamber’s Small Business of the Month.


The company was founded in 1997, offering legal video and forensic photography services to attorneys and their clients in Mobile. Over the years, services have been added as demand for them has grown, from trial presentations and document scanning services to computer forensics, electronic discovery and hosted review services.


“Most recently, with the significant cybersecurity threats and the regulatory requirements for attorneys to protect their clients’ confidential information, we noticed a significant gap in information technology, cloud computing and phone services,” Kilpatrick said, “so we’ve added those services with specific focus on the unique needs of attorneys and their clients.”


Kilpatrick’s military experience has led to a focus in his company on people and processes, making sure his employees have the best training available and ensuring adherence to stringent policy and procedural guidelines to achieve predictable, consistent results. Legal Imaging has grown rapidly since his last deployment with the Army Reserve in 2016, adding four positions to bring his staff to six and tripling revenue in less than two years.


His military background also led Kilpatrick to seek out qualified veterans to hire, and to help others by founding Veterans Recovery Services, which is currently building a residential treatment facility for veterans in Mobile to fill a critical gap in mental health services.


Kilpatrick says technology will continue to evolve in the legal profession, as in practically every other line of work, and those who embrace it will thrive. Legal Imaging is here to help them.


“Like many industries, we’ll continue to see a migration to cloud computing and the use of technology to lower litigation costs,” Kilpatrick says. “Our approach has stayed consistent. We meet each client where they are and help them develop a plan to get them where they want to be.


“There is no technological replacement for good lawyering. Good technology, properly implemented, can make good lawyers better and more productive.”


Click here to read The Business View – August 2018

To read about previous Small Business of the Month stories, click here.

Additional information is on the Mobile Area Chamber of Commerce’s website at, on Facebook at @MobileChamber and Twitter at @MobileChamber.